Should I learn Javascript in 2021?

Should I learn Javascript in 2021?

What is Javascript?

Before deciding if you should learn javascript or not lets first understand few things about javascript.

Javascript is a programming language and NO it’s not related to java in any way.

Earlier days javascript was used only as a client side language, If you think of a basic makeup of a website, you have HTML as basic skeleton of the website and then CSS which beautifies the basic html structure and then you have Javascript which can manipulate DOM structure and CSS and make the website more interactive and user-friendly.

Nowadays, Javascript is an all-purpose programming language- meaning it can be used both on client-side (aka front-end) and server side (aka backend).

What all can I build using Javascript?

Javascript is a very diverse language and you can do almost everything with it, Below are the few list of what all you can do with Javascript:

1: Websites - People use javascript to create a simple static websites.

2: Web applications - With the aid of popular javascript library like React.js and well known frameworks like Vue.js, Angular.js making web app has become much more simplier.

3: Server Application - With the release of node.js (Javascript runtime environment), we can also use javascript to create backend application.

4: Mobile Applications - Javascript is also seen in development of mobile apps. We can build complex hybrid app using framework like React Native which can be run both in Android and iOs device.

5: Game - JavaScript is also used for creating games. It has various libraries and frameworks for creating a game. The game can either be a 2D or 3D. Some JavaScript game engines such as PhysicsJS, Pixi.js help us to create a web game. We can also use the WebGL (web graphics library), which is the JavaScript API to render 2D and 3D images on browsers.

Should I really learn javascript in 2021?

If you want to become a frontend developer, JavaScript is a prerequisite. However, that’s not the only career path open to you as a JavaScript expert. Mastering this key programming language could see you go on to work in full-stack development, games development, information security software engineering, machine learning, and artificial intelligence—to name just a few!

Top language over the year 2020

Screenshot 2021-04-22 at 4.42.35 PM.png

Source: GitHub State of the Octoverse, 2020

Let's get started with Javascript for free.

Below are the some of free website which i have used to learn javascript.

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